Ecological Surveys

Ecological Assessment

We have extensive experience of the interface between nature conservation and development proposals. Our approach is not simply to provide mitigation for lost interest, but rather to enhance existing interest, provide new habitats and to integrate new developments with ecology where possible. This can provide not only an attractive, rich environment for the new development but also a greater range and diversity of habitat types. 

Our Ecologists are highly experienced not only in the technical skills of site survey, but also in working within multi-disciplinary teams including engineers, architects and master planners to realise creative and sustainable solutions. We also consult with Natural England and local wildlife trusts, whether informally to achieve the best practical solution for a site constrained by ecological interests or formally to obtain licences for work in connection with protected species.

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Experienced Ecologists 

Our Ecologists are experienced in using recognised techniques and methodologies for both general and species specific surveys.  Depending on site characteristics and the stage of the design process, the type of survey may range from a Phase 1 Habitat Scoping Survey to specie specific studies undertaken by experts within these specialist fields.
site surveys
species awareness protectors

Protected Species Awareness

It is necessary from the earliest stage in a proposed development project for the design team to be fully informed about the presence or potential presence of protected species on or around the site. Disturbance or interference with such species can result in a potential prosecution, additional cost or project delay. 

The presence of bats, badgers, grass snakes, newts, breeding birds or other protected species may often pose a significant constraint on development. However, these can often be overcome with expert advice and input to the development design at an early stage. Measures to protect, avoid or translocate such populations can frequently be included in the proposals, and can help to secure a positive enhancement to local wildlife interest.

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For Ecological advice in Kent, London and across the South East, contact Sevenoaks Environmental Consultancy. 
01892 822 999
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